VidDa stabilizers are purpose built with quality and efficiency always in mind. Clients benefit from our frontline expertise. VidDa offer a wide inventory of both Non-Mag String Stabilizers & Steel String / Near Bit Stabilizers. Designed to improve stabilization within our customers BHA, our stabilizers offer real-time cost savings by maintaining full gauge […]

Rotary Subs
VidDa have a wide range of Subs available including magnetic and non-mag to support your operations. Manufactured and delivered by our local, inhouse API accredited machine shop. Our subs offer a high quality, timely, cost effective and reliable solution to our client’s needs. SUBS RANGE Non-Mag/Steel Crossover Sub Non-Mag/Steel Float Subs Non-Mag/Steel UBHO Subs […]

Drill Collars
VidDa have a wide selection of Drill Collars available to support your operations. Manufactured and delivered by our local, inhouse, API accredited machine shop. Our Drill Collars offer a high quality, timely, cost effective and reliable solution to our client’s needs. DRILL COLLARS RANGE Non-Mag Drill Collars Non-Mag Pony Drill Collars Non-Mag Flex Collars […]