Viddacom (B) Sdn Bhd Consultancy Division is divided into five major sectors, each designed to fulfill a specific requirement.
- The Industrial Hygiene Sector has the professional expertise to manage any Safety and Industrial Hygiene programme, from initial surveys through implementation.
- Our Environmental Management and Technology Sector offers practical solutions for today’s complex environmental concerns and problems.
- Safety & Health Management System Sector provides basis for achieving compliance with a management system of our clients’ choice eg. ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001 OSH Management System
- Viddacom’s Training Sector offers a wide range of courses designed to provide both classroom and practical hands-on experience.
- Our Equipment Sales & Rental Sector, among others supplies PPE, spill response kit, exposure monitoring equipment and samplers.
We are committed to holistic concept of
managing health, safety and environment by
means of system approach in developing strong
interactions between workers and the elements
of work system. Through our knowledge and
experience, our mission is ensure that we
provide the right resources to maximize the
well-being of people and performance of the
Our Services
- Health Risk Assessment
- Workplace Air Sampling Survey
- Area Noise Mapping and Personal Exposure Monitoring
- Heat Stress Monitoring and Programme
- Local Exhaust Ventilation – Examination & Testing
- Ergonomics Risk Assessment
- Biological Monitoring
- Occupational Health Medical Surveillance Programme
- Indoor Air Quality Assessment & Monitoring
- Environmental, Health and Safety Management System
- Environmental, Health and Safety Trainings
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Due Diligence
- Site Assessment and Remediation
- Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
Our consultants, have highly qualified and
multidisciplinary expertise in engineering,
occupational safety and health, industrial
hygiene, environmental and risk management.
They have worked for various local as well as
multinationals companies in Brunei, Malaysia,
Singapore, Korea, Thailand and India.
Managing Consultant:
Hjh Nanisuria Aris
Email: nanisuria.aris
Tel: +673 334 7388