Viddacom’s Industrial Hygiene Programme assist clients in developing proactive approach to managing health issues in the workplace. The Industrial Hygiene Program monitors the use of hazardous chemical, biological and physical agents in the workplace by assessing potential exposures, initiating preventive actions whilst maintaining workers’ awareness of the hazards.
Health Risk Assessment
Health hazards may be biological, chemical, physical, ergonomic or psychological in nature.
Viddacom assists clients in the identification and development of an inventory of agents potentially hazardous to health and subsequent evaluation of risk to health by taking into account the existing control measures. Where appropriate the need for further mitigation measures required to reduce the risk to health to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) will be recommended.
Information, Instruction & Training
Viddacom will prepare methods for Information, Instruction & Training for Client’s employees to understand the Industrial Hygiene Programme.
Industrial Hygiene Plan
The Industrial Hygiene Plan is a practical tool to assist client in the management of potential occupational health hazards to ensure that the operations of its facilities are at minimum, in compliance with local legislative requirements and confirm to set corporate/industry standards.
Viddacom will develop a comprehensive Industrial Hygiene Plan that will include Exposure Monitoring Sampling Plan, Occupational Medical Surveillance Programme and Tracking of Health Risk Assessment Remedial Action Plan.
Exposure Monitoring
Viddacom has a team of qualified Industrial Hygiene and Hygiene Technician which are able to perform the Exposure Monitoring for Chemicals, Noise, Heat Stress and Radiation.
Interpretation of data from the exposure monitoring survey with relation to occupational exposure limits (OELs) allows appropriate actions to be recommended to reduce exposure to an acceptable level.
Our Industrial Hygienists have vast experience in this area and are able to provide practical recommendations on improvement measures to our Clients.
Medical Surveillance Programme
Viddacom provide assistance in the development of Client’s Occupational Medical Surveillance Programme (OMSP)
The Audit Programme and Protocols that Viddacom developed will assist Client in verifying compliance, reviewing the effectiveness of the Industrial Hygiene Programme and assessing health performance.